• Intensively

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    of, pertaining to, or characterized by intensity
    intensive questioning.
    tending to intensify; intensifying.
    Medicine/Medical .
    increasing in intensity or degree.
    instituting treatment to the limit of safety.
    noting or pertaining to a system of agriculture involving the cultivation of limited areas, and relying on the maximum use of labor and expenditures to raise the crop yield per unit area ( opposed to extensive ).
    requiring or having a high concentration of a specified quality or element (used in combination)
    Coal mining is a labor-intensive industry.
    Grammar . indicating increased emphasis or force. Certainly is an intensive adverb. Myself in I did it myself is an intensive pronoun.


    something that intensifies.
    Grammar . an intensive element or formation, as -self in himself, or Latin -t? in iac-t?, I hurl from iac?, I throw.


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