Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act
something that is amusing or ridiculous, esp. because of being ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce
- antic , bon mot , buffoonery , burlesque , caper , caprice , chestnut * , clowning , drollery , epigram , escapade , farce , frolic , gag , gambol , game , ha-ha , hoodwinking , horseplay * , humor , jape , jest , lark , laugh , mischief , monkeyshine * , mummery , one-liner * , parody , payoff , play , pleasantry , prank , pun , put-on , quirk , raillery , repartee , revel , rib , sally , saw , shaggy-dog story , shenanigan , snow job * , sport , spree , stunt , tomfoolery , trick , vagary , whimsy , wisecrack , witticism , yarn , buffoon , butt , clown , derision , fool , goat , jackass , jestee , laughingstock , mockery , simpleton , target , quip , absurdity , badinage , banter , farcicality , gibe , jeu d\'esprit , jocosity , jocularity , jocundity , joe miller
- banter , chaff , deceive , deride , fool , frolic , fun , gambol , horse around * , jape , jest , jive * , jolly , josh , kid around , laugh , make merry , mock , needle , play , play the clown , play tricks , poke fun , pull one’s leg , pun , put on , quip , rag , revel , rib , ridicule , roast * , spoof , sport , taunt , trick , wisecrack * , antic , buffoon , clowning , crack , escapade , farce , gag , goof , hoax , kid , lampoon , parody , pleasantry , prank , rally , sally , satire , stunt , tease , wisecrack , witticism
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