• Mellowness

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    soft, sweet, and full-flavored from ripeness, as fruit.
    well-matured, as wines.
    soft and rich, as sound, tones, color, or light.
    made gentle and compassionate by age or maturity; softened.
    friable or loamy, as soil.
    mildly and pleasantly intoxicated or high.
    pleasantly agreeable; free from tension, discord, etc.
    a mellow neighborhood.
    affably relaxed; easygoing; genial
    a mellow teacher who is very popular with her students.

    Verb (used with object), verb (used without object)

    to make or become mellow.


    Slang . a state, atmosphere, or mood of ease and gentle relaxation. ?

    Verb phrase

    mellow out, Slang .
    to become detached from worry, strife, stress, etc.; relax
    After final exams let's go down to the beach and mellow out.
    to make more relaxed, agreeable, workable, etc.; soften or smooth
    Chopin really mellows me out when I'm feeling tense.

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