• Noun

    a road, pedestrian walkway, railroad, bridge, etc., crossing over some barrier, as another road or walkway.

    Verb (used with object)

    to pass over or traverse (a region, space, etc.)
    We had overpassed the frontier during the night.
    to pass beyond (specified limits, bounds, etc.); exceed; overstep; transgress
    to overpass the bounds of good judgment.
    to get over (obstacles, difficulties, etc.); surmount
    to overpass the early days of privation and uncertainty.
    to go beyond, exceed, or surpass
    Greed had somehow overpassed humanitarianism.
    to pass through (time, experiences, etc.)
    to overpass one's apprenticeship.

    Verb (used without object)

    to pass over; pass by
    Under the bridge there was the din of cars overpassing.

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