• Pepper

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a pungent condiment obtained from various plants of the genus Piper, esp. from the dried berries, used whole or ground, of the tropical climbing shrub P. nigrum.
    any plant of the genus Piper. Compare pepper family .
    any of several plants of the genus Capsicum, esp. C. annuum, cultivated in many varieties, or C. frutescens.
    the usually green or red fruit of any of these plants, ranging from mild to very pungent in flavor.
    the pungent seeds of several varieties of C. annuum or C. frutescens, used ground or whole as a condiment.
    Baseball . pepper game.

    Verb (used with object)

    to season with or as if with pepper.
    to sprinkle or cover, as if with pepper; dot.
    to sprinkle like pepper.
    to hit with rapidly repeated short jabs.
    to pelt with or as if with shot or missiles
    They peppered the speaker with hard questions.
    to discharge (shot or missiles) at something.

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