• Proprietary

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    belonging to a proprietor.
    being a proprietor; holding property
    the proprietary class.
    pertaining to property or ownership
    proprietary wealth.
    belonging or controlled as property.
    manufactured and sold only by the owner of the patent, formula, brand name, or trademark associated with the product
    proprietary medicine.
    privately owned and operated for profit
    proprietary hospitals.


    an owner or proprietor.
    a body of proprietors.
    American History . the grantee or owner, or one of the grantees or owners, of a proprietary colony.
    something owned, esp. real estate.
    a proprietary medicine.
    Also called proprietary school. a school organized as a profit-making venture primarily to teach vocational skills or self-improvement techniques.

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