• Representation

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the act of representing.
    the state of being represented.
    the expression or designation by some term, character, symbol, or the like.
    action or speech on behalf of a person, group, business house, state, or the like by an agent, deputy, or representative.
    the state or fact of being so represented
    to demand representation on a board of directors.
    Government . the state, fact, or right of being represented by delegates having a voice in legislation or government.
    the body or number of representatives, as of a constituency.
    Diplomacy .
    the act of speaking or negotiating on behalf of a state.
    an utterance on behalf of a state.
    presentation to the mind, as of an idea or image.
    a mental image or idea so presented; concept.
    the act of portrayal, picturing, or other rendering in visible form.
    a picture, figure, statue, etc.
    the production or a performance of a play or the like, as on the stage.
    Often, representations. a description or statement, as of things true or alleged.
    a statement of facts, reasons, etc., made in appealing or protesting; a protest or remonstrance.
    Law . an implication or statement of fact to which legal liability may attach if material
    a representation of authority.

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