• Rhymer

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    identity in sound of some part, esp. the end, of words or lines of verse.
    a word agreeing with another in terminal sound
    Find is a rhyme for mind and womankind.
    verse or poetry having correspondence in the terminal sounds of the lines.
    a poem or piece of verse having such correspondence.
    verse ( def. 4 ) .

    Verb (used with object)

    to treat in rhyme, as a subject; turn into rhyme, as something in prose.
    to compose (verse or the like) in metrical form with rhymes.
    to use (a word) as a rhyme to another word; use (words) as rhymes.

    Verb (used without object)

    to make rhyme or verse; versify.
    to use rhyme in writing verse.
    to form a rhyme, as one word or line with another
    a word that rhymes with orange.
    to be composed in metrical form with rhymes, as verse
    poetry that rhymes.


    rhyme or reason, logic, sense
    or plan
    There was no rhyme or reason for what they did.


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