Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
(in a human or other conscious being) the element, part, substance, or process that reasons, thinks, feels, wills, perceives, judges, etc.
intellect or understanding, as distinguished from the faculties of feeling and willing; intelligence.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
blow one's mind. Slang .
- to change one's perceptions, awareness, etc., as through the use of drugs or narcotics.
- to overwhelm a person with intense excitement, pleasure, astonishment, or dismay
- Cool jazz really blows my mind.
make up one's mind
- to decide; form an opinion or decision; resolve
- He couldn't make up his mind which course to follow.
- apperception , attention , brain * , brainpower , brains , capacity , cognizance , conception , consciousness , creativity , faculty , function , genius , head , imagination , ingenuity , instinct , intellect , intellectual , intellectuality , intuition , judgment , lucidity , marbles , mentality , observation , perception , percipience , power , psyche , ratiocination , reason , reasoning , regard , sanity , sense , soul , soundness , spirit , talent , thinker , thought , understanding , wisdom , wits , concentration , mark , note , notice , observance , recollection , remark , remembrance , subconscious , thinking , thoughts , attitude , bent , conviction , desire , determination , disposition , eye , fancy , feeling , humor , impulse , intention , leaning , liking , mood , notion , opinion , outlook , persuasion , pleasure , point of view , purpose , sentiment , strain , temper , temperament , tone , urge , vein , view , way of thinking , will , wish , brain , wit , ethos , mindset , idea , position , lucidness , saneness
- be affronted , be opposed , complain , deplore , disapprove , dislike , look askance at , object , resent , take offense , adhere to , attend , behave , do as told , follow , follow orders , heed , keep , listen , mark , note , notice , observe , pay attention , pay heed , regard , respect , take heed , watch , baby-sit , be attentive , behold , care for , discern , discipline , ensure , give heed to , govern , guard , have charge of , keep an eye on , listen up , look , make certain , mind the store , oversee , perceive , ride herd on * , see , sit , superintend , supervise , be cautious , be concerned , be on guard , be solicitous , be wary , have a care , mind one’s p’s and q’s , take care , tend , toe the line * , trouble , watch one’s step , watch out * , bethink , bring to mind , cite , recall , recollect , remind , reminisce , retain , beware , look out , watch out , revive , think , descry , detect , distinguish , remark , aim , contemplate , design , mean , plan , project , propose , purpose , target , abide by , adhere , carry out , comply , conform , obey
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