• Scuff

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to scrape (something) with one's foot or feet.
    to rub or scrape (one's foot or feet) over something.
    to mar by scraping or hard use, as shoes or furniture.
    Chiefly Scot.
    to brush against, as in passing.
    to brush off; wipe off.

    Verb (used without object)

    to walk without raising the feet from the ground; shuffle.
    to scrape or rub one's foot back and forth over something.
    to be or become marred or scratched by scraping or wear.
    (of machine parts, as gear teeth) to creep from pressure and friction so that ridges appear transversely to the direction of wear.


    the act or sound of scuffing.
    a flat-heeled slipper with a full-length sole and an upper part covering only the front of the foot.
    a marred or scratched place on an item, as from scraping or wear.


    scuffle , shamble

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