• Substantive

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Noun Grammar .

    a noun.
    a pronoun or other word or phrase functioning or inflected like a noun.


    Grammar .
    pertaining to substantives.
    used in a sentence like a noun
    a substantive adjective.
    expressing existence
    to be is a substantive verb.
    having independent existence; independent.
    belonging to the real nature or essential part of a thing; essential.
    real or actual.
    of considerable amount or quantity.
    possessing substance; having practical importance, value, or effect
    substantive issues under discussion.
    Law . pertaining to the rules of right which courts are called on to apply, as distinguished from rules of procedure ( opposed to adjective ).
    (of dye colors) attaching directly to the material without the aid of a mordant ( opposed to adjective ).


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