Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
pertaining to or concerned with realities or actual instances rather than abstractions; particular ( opposed to general )
- concrete ideas.
an artificial, stonelike material used for various structural purposes, made by mixing cement and various aggregates, as sand, pebbles, gravel, or shale, with water and allowing the mixture to harden. Compare reinforced concrete .
- accurate , corporeal , definite , detailed , explicit , material , objective , particular , precise , real , sensible , solid , specific , substantial , tangiblenotes:cement comes from latin caementum \'chips of stone\'; cement is an ingredient of concrete , but is not a synonym; cement should be pronounced suh-ment , caked , calcified , cemented , compact , compressed , congealed , conglomerated , consolidated , dried , firm , indurate , monolithic , petrified , poured , precast , set , set in stone , solidified , steeled , strong , unyieldingnotes:cement comes from latin caementum \'chips of stone\'; cement is an ingredient of concrete , substantive , tangible , phenomenal , actual , cement , coalesce , combine , compound , congeal , factual , harden , idiographic , materialistic , pragmatic , solidify , special , unite
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