• Suck in

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to draw into the mouth by producing a partial vacuum by action of the lips and tongue
    to suck lemonade through a straw.
    to draw (water, moisture, air, etc.) by or as if by suction
    Plants suck moisture from the earth. The pump sucked water from the basement.
    to apply the lips or mouth to and draw upon by producing a partial vacuum, esp. for extracting fluid contents
    to suck an orange.
    to put into the mouth and draw upon
    to suck one's thumb.
    to take into the mouth and dissolve by the action of the tongue, saliva, etc.
    to suck a piece of candy.
    to render or bring to a specified condition by or as if by sucking.

    Verb (used without object)

    to draw something in by producing a partial vacuum in the mouth, esp. to draw milk from the breast.
    to draw or be drawn by or as if by suction.
    (of a pump) to draw air instead of water, as when the water is low or a valve is defective.
    Slang . to behave in a fawning manner (usually fol. by around ).
    Slang . to be repellent or disgusting
    Poverty sucks.


    an act or instance of sucking.
    a sucking force.
    the sound produced by sucking.
    that which is sucked; nourishment drawn from the breast.
    a small drink; sip.
    a whirlpool. ?

    Verb phrases

    suck in, Slang . to deceive; cheat; defraud
    The confidence man sucked us all in.
    suck off, Slang
    Vulgar to fellate.
    suck up, Slang . to be obsequious; toady
    The workers are all sucking up to him because he's the one who decides who'll get the bonuses.


    suck face
    to engage in soul-kissing.

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