• Tickled

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object)

    to touch or stroke lightly with the fingers, a feather, etc., so as to excite a tingling or itching sensation in; titillate.
    to poke some sensitive part of the body so as to excite spasmodic laughter.
    to excite agreeably; gratify
    to tickle someone's vanity.
    to excite amusement in
    The clown's antics really tickled the kids.
    to get, move, etc., by or as by tickling
    She tickled him into saying yes.

    Verb (used without object)

    to be affected with a tingling or itching sensation, as from light touches or strokes
    I tickle all over.
    to produce such a sensation.


    an act or instance of tickling.
    a tickling sensation. ?


    tickled pink
    Informal . greatly pleased
    She was tickled pink that someone had remembered her birthday.


    delighted , happy , pleased

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