• Tin

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Chemistry . a low-melting, malleable, ductile metallic element nearly approaching silver in color and luster: used in plating and in making alloys, tinfoil, and soft solders. Symbol: Sn; atomic weight: 118.69; atomic number: 50; specific gravity
    7.31 at 20?C.
    tin plate.
    any shallow pan, esp. one used in baking.
    any pot, box, can, or other container or vessel made of tin or tin plate.
    Squash . telltale ( def. 8 ) .
    Chiefly British . a hermetically sealed can containing food.
    Slang . a small quantity of an illicit drug, esp. from two to five grams of cocaine
    usually sold in a small plastic bag, a glassine envelope, or often a small tin container.
    British Slang . money.


    made or consisting of tin or tin plate.
    false; worthless; counterfeit
    a set of tin values.
    indicating the tenth event of a series, as a wedding anniversary.

    Verb (used with object)

    Metallurgy .
    to cover or coat with tin.
    to coat with soft solder.
    Chiefly British . to preserve or pack (esp. food) in cans; can.
    to cover (windows and doors in an abandoned or unoccupied building or apartment) with sheets of tin to prevent vandalism or occupancy by vagrants, squatters, etc.


    metal , stannic , stannous

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