Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to place (the hair, esp. when wet) on rollers, in clips, or the like, so that the hair will assume a particular style.
(of a hunting dog) to indicate the position of (game) by standing stiffly and pointing with the muzzle.
Music .
- to fit, as words to music.
- to arrange for musical performance.
- to arrange (music) for certain voices or instruments.
Theater .
- to arrange the scenery, properties, lights, etc., on (a stage) for an act or scene.
- to prepare (a scene) for dramatic performance.
Printing .
- to arrange (type) in the order required for printing.
- to put together types corresponding to (copy); compose in type
- to set an article.
Verb (used without object)
(of the hair) to be placed temporarily on rollers, in clips, or the like, in order to assume a particular style
a number, company, or group of persons associated by common interests, occupations, conventions, or status
Tennis . a unit of a match, consisting of a group of not fewer than six games with a margin of at least two games between the winner and loser
a construction representing a place or scene in which the action takes place in a stage, motion-picture, or television production.
Machinery .
- the bending out of the points of alternate teeth of a saw in opposite directions.
- a permanent deformation or displacement of an object or part.
- a tool for giving a certain form to something, as a saw tooth.
Dance .
- the number of couples required to execute a quadrille or the like.
- a series of movements or figures that make up a quadrille or the like.
Music .
- a group of pieces played by a band, as in a night club, and followed by an intermission.
- the period during which these pieces are played.
Nautical .
- the direction of a wind, current, etc.
- the form or arrangement of the sails, spars, etc., of a vessel.
- suit ( def. 12 ) .
Verb phrases
set against,
- to cause to be hostile or antagonistic.
- to compare or contrast
- The advantages must be set against the disadvantages.
set apart,
- to reserve for a particular purpose.
- to cause to be noticed; distinguish
- Her bright red hair sets her apart from her sisters.
set aside,
- to put to one side; reserve
- The clerk set aside the silver brooch for me.
- to dismiss from the mind; reject.
- to prevail over; discard; annul
- to set aside a verdict.
set back,
- to hinder; impede.
- to turn the hands of (a watch or clock) to show an earlier time
- When your plane gets to California, set your watch back two hours.
- to reduce to a lower setting
- Set back the thermostat before you go to bed.
set down,
- to write or to copy or record in writing or printing.
- to consider; estimate
- to set someone down as a fool.
- to attribute; ascribe
- to set a failure down to bad planning.
- to put in a position of rest on a level surface.
- to humble or humiliate.
- to land an airplane
- We set down in a heavy fog.
- (in horse racing) to suspend (a jockey) from competition because of some offense or infraction of the rules.
set forth,
- to give an account of; state; describe
- He set forth his theory in a scholarly report.
- to begin a journey; start
- Columbus set forth with three small ships.
set in,
- to begin to prevail; arrive
- Darkness set in.
- (of winds or currents) to blow or flow toward the shore.
set off,
- to cause to become ignited or to explode.
- to begin; start.
- to intensify or improve by contrast.
- to begin a journey or trip; depart.
set on,
- Also, set upon. to attack or cause to attack
- to set one's dog on a stranger.
- to instigate; incite
- to set a crew to mutiny.
set out,
- to begin a journey or course
- to set out for home.
- to undertake; attempt
- He set out to prove his point.
- to design; plan
- to set out a pattern.
- to define; describe
- to set out one's arguments.
- to plant
- to set out petunias and pansies.
- to lay out (the plan of a building) in actual size at the site.
- to lay out (a building member or the like) in actual size.
set up,
- to put upright; raise.
- to put into a high or powerful position.
- to construct; assemble; erect.
- to be assembled or made ready for use
- exercise equipment that sets up in a jiffy.
- to inaugurate; establish.
- to enable to begin in business; provide with means.
- Informal . to make a gift of; treat, as to drinks.
- Informal . to stimulate; elate.
- to propound; plan; advance.
- to bring about; cause.
- to become firm or hard, as a glue or cement
- a paint that sets up within five minutes.
- to lead or lure into a dangerous, detrimental, or embarrassing situation, as by deceitful prearrangement or connivance.
- to entrap or frame, as an innocent person in a crime or a criminal suspect in a culpable circumstance in order to achieve an arrest.
- to arrange the murder or execution of
- His partner set him up with the mob.
- Bridge . to establish (a suit)
- to set up spades.
- agreed , appointed , arranged , bent , certain , concluded , confirmed , customary , dead set on , decisive , definite , determined , entrenched , established , firm , fixed , hanging tough , immovable , intent , inveterate , ironclad , locked in , obstinate , pat , pigheaded * , prearranged , predetermined , prescribed , regular , resolute , resolved , rigid , rooted , scheduled , set in stone , settled , solid as a rock , specified , stated , steadfast , stiff-necked , stipulated , stubborn , unflappable , usual , well-setnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , hard and fast , hidebound , jelled , located , placed , positioned , sited , situate , situated , solid , stable , stiff , strict , unyieldingnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated
- address , air , attitude , carriage , comportment , demeanor , deportment , fit , hang , inclination , mien , port , position , posture , presence , turnnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , flats , mise en scne , scene , scenery , setting , stage setnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , array , assemblage , band , batch , body , bunch , bundle , camp , circle , clan , class , clique , clump , cluster , clutch , collection , company , compendium , coterie , crew , crowd , faction , gaggle , gang , kit , lot , mob , organization , outfit , pack , push , rat pack , sect , seriesnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated
- affix , aim , anchor , apply , arrange , bestow , cast , deposit , direct , embed , ensconce , establish , fasten , fix , head , insert , install , introduce , lay , level , locate , lock , lodge , make fast , make ready , mount , park , plank , plant , plop , plunk , point , post , prepare , put , rest , seat , settle , situate , spread , station , stick , train , turn , wedge , zero in *notes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , agree upon , allocate , allot , appoint , assign , conclude , decree , designate , determine , dictate , estimate , fix price , impose , instruct , lay down , make , name , ordain , prescribe , price , rate , regulate , resolve , schedule , specify , stipulate , valuenotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , become firm , cake , clot , coagulate , condense , congeal , crystallize , gel , gelate , gelatinize , jell , jellify , jelly , solidify , stiffen , thickennotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , descend , dip , disappear , drop , go down , sink , subside , vanishnotes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , abet , begin , commence , foment , initiate , instigate , provoke , put in motion , raise , set on , stir up , whip up *notes:to set is to place something; to sit is to be seated , place , emplace , site , spot , tune , negotiate , approximate , reckon , zero in , curdle
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