• Vindicator

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used with object), -cated, -cating.

    to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like
    to vindicate someone's honor.
    to afford justification for; justify
    Subsequent events vindicated his policy.
    to uphold or justify by argument or evidence
    to vindicate a claim.
    to assert, maintain, or defend (a right, cause, etc.) against opposition.
    to claim for oneself or another.
    Roman and Civil Law . to regain possession, under claim of title of property through legal procedure, or to assert one's right to possession.
    to get revenge for; avenge.
    Obsolete . to deliver from; liberate.
    Obsolete . to punish.

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