Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to demand by or as by virtue of a right; demand as a right or as due
- to claim an estate by inheritance.
- affirmation , allegation , application , assertion , birthright , call , case , counterclaim , declaration , demand , dibs , due , entreaty , interest , lien , part , petition , plea , postulation , prerogative , pretense , pretension , privilege , profession , protestation , reclamation , request , requirement , requisition , suit , title , ultimatum , cry , exaction , portion , stake , asseveration , averment , statement , arrogation , postulate , premise , right
- adduce , advance , allege , ask , assert , believe , call for , challenge , collect , declare , defend , exact , have dibs on something , hit , hit up , hold , hold out for , insist , justify , knock , lay claim to , need , pick up , pop the question * , postulate , pretend , profess , pronounce , require , requisition , solicit , stake out , take , uphold , vindicate , demand , affirm , argue , asseverate , aver , avouch , avow , contend , maintain , say , state , insist on , (colloq.) assert , acclaim , appropriate , arrogate , birthright , call , case , charge , dibs , elicit , invalidate , lien , mine , name , ownership , predicate , pretence , pretense , privilege , proclaim , property , purport , repudiate , right , supersede , title , underlie
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