• Welt

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a ridge or wale on the surface of the body, as from a blow of a stick or whip.
    a blow producing such a ridge or wale.
    Shoemaking .
    a strip, as of leather, set in between the outsole of a shoe and the edges of its insole and upper, through which these parts are joined by stitching or stapling.
    a strip, usually of leather, that ornaments a shoe.
    a strengthening or ornamental finish along a seam, the edge of a garment, etc.
    a seam in which one edge is cut close to the stitching line and covered by the other edge, which is stitched over it.

    Verb (used with object)

    to beat soundly, as with a stick or whip.
    to furnish or supply (a shoe or garment) with a welt or welts; sew a welt on to.

    Verb (used without object)

    to be marked with or develop welts.


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