• Slug

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    any of various snaillike terrestrial gastropods having no shell or only a rudimentary one, feeding on plants and a pest of leafy garden crops.
    a nudibranch.
    a metal disk used as a coin or token, generally counterfeit.
    a piece of lead or other metal for firing from a gun.
    any heavy piece of crude metal.
    Printing .
    a thick strip of type metal less than type-high.
    such a strip containing a type-high number or other character for temporary use.
    a line of type in one piece, as produced by a Linotype.
    Informal . a shot of liquor taken neat; belt.
    Slang . a person who is lazy or slow-moving; sluggard.
    a slow-moving animal, vehicle, or the like.
    Journalism .
    Also called catchline. a short phrase or title used to indicate the story content of newspaper or magazine copy.
    the line of type carrying this information.
    Metalworking . a small piece of metal ready for processing.
    a gold coin of California, privately issued in 1849 and for some time after, worth 50 dollars.
    Physics . a unit of mass, equivalent to approximately 32.2 lb. (15 kg) and having the property that a force of one pound acting upon a mass of this unit produces an acceleration of one foot per second per second.
    an irregular projection or knob on the surface of yarn, usually produced by lint or by defects in weaving.

    Verb (used with object)

    Printing .
    to make (corrections) by replacing entire lines of type, esp. as set by a Linotype.
    to check the lines of (typeset copy) against copy of the previous typesetting stage to ensure that no line has been omitted, esp. before printing or plating.
    Journalism . to furnish (copy) with a slug.
    to interpolate pieces of metal into (a joint being welded).

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