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    Dòng 1: Dòng 1:
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    ==Thông dụng==
    ==Thông dụng==
    Dòng 18: Dòng 11:
    *Ving: [[demolishing]]
    *Ving: [[demolishing]]
    == Xây dựng==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====kéo đổ=====
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    == Kỹ thuật chung ==
    === Xây dựng===
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====kéo đổ=====
    === Kỹ thuật chung ===
    =====làm hư hỏng=====
    =====làm hư hỏng=====
    =====phá hủy=====
    =====phá hủy=====
    === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    =====Tear or pull down, dismantle, reduce to ruin(s), smash,pull to pieces, knock down, raze, topple, destroy, level: Thisbuilding will have to be demolished to make room for the newshopping mall. 2 destroy, end, bring to an end, make an end of,put an end to, devastate, terminate, annihilate, overturn,overthrow, crush, defeat, refute, disprove, dispose of,suppress, squelch, quash: With just one phrase he demolishedtheir entire argument.=====
    =====Tear or pull down, dismantle, reduce to ruin(s), smash,pull to pieces, knock down, raze, topple, destroy, level: Thisbuilding will have to be demolished to make room for the newshopping mall. 2 destroy, end, bring to an end, make an end of,put an end to, devastate, terminate, annihilate, overturn,overthrow, crush, defeat, refute, disprove, dispose of,suppress, squelch, quash: With just one phrase he demolishedtheir entire argument.=====
    === Oxford===
    == Oxford==
    =====A pull down (a building). b completely destroy orbreak.=====
    =====A pull down (a building). b completely destroy orbreak.=====

    18:25, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008


    Thông dụng

    Ngoại động từ

    Phá huỷ; đánh đổ
    to demolish a doctrine
    đánh đổ một học thuyết

    hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng

    kéo đổ

    Kỹ thuật chung

    làm hư hỏng
    phá hủy

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Tear or pull down, dismantle, reduce to ruin(s), smash,pull to pieces, knock down, raze, topple, destroy, level: Thisbuilding will have to be demolished to make room for the newshopping mall. 2 destroy, end, bring to an end, make an end of,put an end to, devastate, terminate, annihilate, overturn,overthrow, crush, defeat, refute, disprove, dispose of,suppress, squelch, quash: With just one phrase he demolishedtheir entire argument.


    A pull down (a building). b completely destroy orbreak.
    Overthrow (an institution).
    Refute (an argument,theory, etc.).
    Joc. eat up completely and quickly.
    Demolisher n. demolition n. demolitionist n. [F d‚molir f.L demoliri (as DE-, moliri molit- construct f. moles mass)]

    Tham khảo chung

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