• (Khác biệt giữa các bản)
    (/'''<font color="red">Phiên âm này đang chờ bạn hoàn thiện</font>'''/)
    Dòng 1: Dòng 1:
    | __TOC__
    =====/'''<font color="red">di'vain</font>'''/=====
    =====/'''<font color="red">di'vain</font>'''/=====
    Dòng 25: Dòng 21:
    *V-ed: [[divined]]
    *V-ed: [[divined]]
    == Xây dựng==
    ==Chuyên ngành==
    ===Nghĩa chuyên ngành===
    =====siêu phàm=====
    | __TOC__
    == Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ==
    === Xây dựng===
    =====siêu phàm=====
    === Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh ===
    =====Godlike, godly, holy, deiform, deific, angelic,seraphic, saintly; heavenly, celestial; sacred, sanctified,hallowed, consecrated, religious, spiritual: They believe inthe divine right of kings. He receives divine inspiration atdivine services. 2 superhuman, supernatural, gifted,pre-eminent, superior, excellent, supreme, exalted,transcendent, extraordinary: Even the divine Homer nods.=====
    =====Godlike, godly, holy, deiform, deific, angelic,seraphic, saintly; heavenly, celestial; sacred, sanctified,hallowed, consecrated, religious, spiritual: They believe inthe divine right of kings. He receives divine inspiration atdivine services. 2 superhuman, supernatural, gifted,pre-eminent, superior, excellent, supreme, exalted,transcendent, extraordinary: Even the divine Homer nods.=====
    Dòng 43: Dòng 40:
    =====Holy man, priest, clergyman, cleric, ecclesiastic,minister, pastor, reverend, churchman, prelate: At his club, heenjoys the company of bishops, archbishops, and other divines.=====
    =====Holy man, priest, clergyman, cleric, ecclesiastic,minister, pastor, reverend, churchman, prelate: At his club, heenjoys the company of bishops, archbishops, and other divines.=====
    === Oxford===
    == Oxford==
    =====Adj., v., & n.=====
    ===Adj., v., & n.===
    =====Adj. (diviner, divinest) 1 a of, from, orlike God or a god. b devoted to God; sacred (divine service).2 a more than humanly excellent, gifted, or beautiful. bcolloq. excellent; delightful.=====
    =====Adj. (diviner, divinest) 1 a of, from, orlike God or a god. b devoted to God; sacred (divine service).2 a more than humanly excellent, gifted, or beautiful. bcolloq. excellent; delightful.=====

    19:35, ngày 7 tháng 7 năm 2008


    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    Thần thánh, thiêng liêng
    divine worship
    sự thờ cúng thần thánh
    Tuyệt diệu, tuyệt trần, siêu phàm
    divine beauty
    sắc đẹp tuyệt trần

    Danh từ

    Nhà thần học

    Động từ

    Đoán, tiên đoán, bói

    hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng

    siêu phàm

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    Godlike, godly, holy, deiform, deific, angelic,seraphic, saintly; heavenly, celestial; sacred, sanctified,hallowed, consecrated, religious, spiritual: They believe inthe divine right of kings. He receives divine inspiration atdivine services. 2 superhuman, supernatural, gifted,pre-eminent, superior, excellent, supreme, exalted,transcendent, extraordinary: Even the divine Homer nods.
    Great, marvellous, splendid, superlative, glorious, superb,admirable, wonderful, awesome, perfect, excellent, beautiful,Colloq super, great, terrific, smashing, fantastic,splendiferous, Colloq Brit ace, magic: They say that the newmusical is simply divine.
    Intuit, imagine, conjecture, guess, assume, presume,infer, suppose, hypothesize, surmise, suspect, understand,perceive, speculate, theorize, predict, foretell, haveforeknowledge of; determine, discover: He had divined that shemight be there.
    Holy man, priest, clergyman, cleric, ecclesiastic,minister, pastor, reverend, churchman, prelate: At his club, heenjoys the company of bishops, archbishops, and other divines.


    Adj., v., & n.
    Adj. (diviner, divinest) 1 a of, from, orlike God or a god. b devoted to God; sacred (divine service).2 a more than humanly excellent, gifted, or beautiful. bcolloq. excellent; delightful.
    Tr. discover byguessing, intuition, inspiration, or magic.
    Tr. foresee,predict, conjecture.
    Intr. practise divination.
    Acleric, usu. an expert in theology.
    (the Divine) providenceor God.
    Divinely adv. divineness n. diviner n. divinizev.tr. (also -ise). [ME f. OF devin -ine f. L divinus f. divusgodlike]

    Tham khảo chung

    • divine : National Weather Service

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