• Revision as of 10:05, ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2008 by Hdes (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

    Thông dụng

    Tính từ

    (thuộc) máy móc; (thuộc) cơ khí; (thuộc) cơ học
    a mechanical engineer
    kỹ sư cơ khí
    Máy móc, không sáng tạo
    mechanical movements
    động tác máy móc

    Hình thái từ

    Kỹ thuật chung

    Nghĩa chuyên ngành

    cơ học
    máy móc

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh


    Automatic, automated, machine-driven; machine-made:Early mechanical toys are sometimes quite intricate. This is amechanical, not a hand-crafted device. 2 automatic, reflex,involuntary, instinctive, routine, habitual, unconscious,perfunctory, machine-like, robot-like: Good manners ought to bemechanical. Blinking is a mechanical reaction to bright light. 3impersonal, distant, cold, matter-of-fact, unfeeling,insensible, ritualistic, lifeless, spiritless, dead, inanimate,unanimated, unemotional, unartistic, mechanistic, colourless,uninspired, business-like: The girl at the check-out gave us amechanical smile.



    Of or relating to machines or mechanisms.
    Working orproduced by machinery.
    (of a person or action) like amachine; automatic; lacking originality.
    A (of an agency,principle, etc.) belonging to mechanics. b (of a theory etc.)explaining phenomena by the assumption of mechanical action.
    Of or relating to mechanics as a science.
    Mechanicalism n. (in sense 4). mechanically adv.mechanicalness n. [ME f. L mechanicus (as MECHANIC)]

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