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N. & v.
A frozen water, a brittle transparentcrystalline solid. b a sheet of this on the surface of water(fell through the ice).
Something thatserves to relieve inhibitions, start a conversation, etc. icebucket a bucket-like container with chunks of ice, used to keepa bottle of wine chilled. ice-cap a permanent covering of icee.g. in polar regions. ice-cold as cold as ice. ice-cream asweet creamy frozen food, usu. flavoured. ice-cube a smallblock of ice made in a refrigerator. ice-fall a steep part of aglacier like a frozen waterfall. ice-field an expanse of ice,esp. in polar regions. ice-fish a capelin. ice floe = FLOE.ice hockey a form of hockey played on ice with a puck. icehouse a building often partly or wholly underground for storingice. ice (or iced) lolly Brit. a piece of flavoured ice, oftenwith chocolate or ice-cream, on a stick. ice-pack 1 = pack ice.2 a quantity of ice applied to the body for medical etc.purposes. ice-pick a needle-like implement with a handle forsplitting up small pieces of ice. ice-plant a plant,Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, with leaves covered with crystalsor vesicles looking like ice specks. ice-rink = RINK n.
V.intr. skate on ice. ice-skater aperson who skates on ice. ice station a meteorological researchcentre in polar regions. on ice 1 (of an entertainment, sport,etc.) performed by skaters.
Colloq. held in reserve; awaitingfurther attention. on thin ice in a risky situation. [OE is f.Gmc]
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