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Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh
Imitator, mimic, Colloq copycat: She never has anoriginal idea of her own: she's a mere parrot of others'fashions and fancies.
Imitate, mimic, ape, copy, echo, repeat, reiterate:Mick doesn't understand the issues and just parrots what hehears on TV.
N. & v.
Any of various mainly tropical birds of theorder Psittaciformes, with a short hooked bill, often havingvivid plumage and able to mimic the human voice.
A person whomechanically repeats the words or actions of another.
V.tr.(parroted, parroting) repeat mechanically.
Parrot-fashion(learning or repeating) mechanically without understanding.parrot-fish any fish of the genus Scarus, with a mouth like aparrot's bill and forming a protective mucous cocoon againstpredators. [prob. f. obs. or dial. F perrot parrot, dimin. ofPierre Peter: cf. PARAKEET]
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