• Revision as of 00:17, ngày 8 tháng 7 năm 2008 by Admin (Thảo luận | đóng góp)

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    ( Romance) (thuộc) ngôn ngữ Rôman

    Danh từ

    ( Romance) những ngôn ngữ rôman
    Truyện anh hùng hiệp sĩ (thời Trung cổ, (thường) viết theo thể thơ)
    Truyện tưởng tượng, truyện hư cấu; văn học hư cấu
    (a) medieval romance
    (một) truyện hư cấu thời Trung cổ
    Tiểu thuyết mơ mông xa thực tế
    Không khí lãng mạn; tình cảm lãng mạn
    Truyện tình lãng mạn; mối tình lãng mạn
    Sự mơ mộng, tính lãng mạn
    Sự thêu dệt, sự bịa đặt, sự nói ngoa, sự cường điệu; sự tô vẻ
    (âm nhạc) Rôman (khúc)

    Nội động từ

    Thêu dệt, bịa đặt; nói ngoa, cường điệu
    to given to colourful romancing
    quen thói thêu dệt tô vẽ

    Hình thái từ

    Chuyên ngành

    Xây dựng

    sự lãng mạn

    Đồng nghĩa Tiếng Anh

    (love) affair, amour, affair of the heart, affaire (decoeur or d'amour), liaison, relationship, dalliance, intrigue:Wasn't Rick the one from Canada with whom Diana had a romance?2 (true) love: You are lucky if you find romance even once inyour lifetime.
    Novel, narrative, fiction, story, mystery,thriller, horror story, ghost story, science fiction, fantasy,Western, melodrama, gothic or Gothic or Gothick novel or tale,(fairy) tale, love story, idyll, epic, legend: It is probablyaccurate to say that the romance is the most popular form offiction. 4 sentiment, nostalgia, mystery, intrigue, fantasy,imagination, imaginativeness, adventure, excitement,fascination, exoticism, glamour, colour, colourfulness: It wasthe romance of Morocco that entranced me.
    Tall tale or story,fantasy, fabrication, fairy tale, exaggeration, prevarication,concoction, flight of fancy, fib, (white) lie, prevarication,balderdash, fiction, nonsense, imagination: That episode withthe girl on the train that David told you about was all romance.
    Make love to; woo, court: Steve has been romancingMaria ever since they met.
    Pander to, flatter, curry favourwith, toady (up) to, Colloq butter up, soft-soap, Taboo slangbrown-nose: The new restaurant is romancing neighbourhoodoffice executives, and luring them in for business lunches.


    N., adj., & v.
    N. also disp.
    An atmosphere or tendencycharacterized by a sense of remoteness from or idealization ofeveryday life.
    A a prevailing sense of wonder or mysterysurrounding the mutual attraction in a love affair. bsentimental or idealized love. c a love affair.
    A a literarygenre with romantic love or highly imaginative unrealisticepisodes forming the central theme. b a work of this genre.
    A medieval tale, usu. in verse, of some hero of chivalry, of thekind common in the Romance languages.
    A exaggeration orpicturesque falsehood. b an instance of this.
    (Romance) thelanguages descended from Latin regarded collectively.
    Mus. ashort informal piece.
    Adj. (Romance) of any of the languagesdescended from Latin (French, Italian, Spanish, etc.).
    Intr. exaggerate or distort the truth, esp. fantastically.
    Tr. court, woo. [ME f. OF romanz, -ans, -ance, ult. f. LRomanicus ROMANIC]

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