Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Noun, plural -ses
the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements ( opposed to synthesis ).
this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its essential features and their relations
- the grammatical analysis of a sentence.
a philosophical method of exhibiting complex concepts or propositions as compounds or functions of more basic ones.
Mathematics .
- an investigation based on the properties of numbers.
- the discussion of a problem by algebra, as opposed to geometry.
- the branch of mathematics consisting of calculus and its higher developments.
- a system of calculation, as combinatorial analysis or vector analysis.
- a method of proving a proposition by assuming the result and working backward to something that is known to be true. Compare synthesis ( def. 4 ) .
Chemistry .
- intentionally produced decomposition or separation of materials into their ingredients or elements, as to find their kind or quantity.
- the ascertainment of the kind or amount of one or more of the constituents of materials, whether obtained in separate form or not. Compare qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis .
- assay , breakdown , dissection , dissolution , division , inquiry , investigation , partition , reasoning , resolution , scrutiny , search , separation , study , subdivision , testnotes:analysis is breaking down or taking apart; synthesis is bringing together , estimation , evaluation , finding , interpretation , judgment , opinion , outline , report , summarynotes:analysis is breaking down or taking apart; synthesis is bringing together , anatomy , examination , inspection , review , survey , audit , brief , critique , diagnosis , dialysis , exegesis , explication , exposition , hermeneutics , postmortem , reduction , reductionism , synopsis , synthesis , test , titration
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