• Ballast

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    Nautical . any heavy material carried temporarily or permanently in a vessel to provide desired draft and stability.
    Aeronautics . something heavy, as bags of sand, placed in the car of a balloon for control of altitude and, less often, of attitude, or placed in an aircraft to control the position of the center of gravity.
    anything that gives mental, moral, or political stability or steadiness
    the ballast of a steady income.
    gravel, broken stone, slag, etc., placed between and under the ties of a railroad to give stability, provide drainage, and distribute loads.
    Electricity .
    Also called ballast resistor. a device, often a resistor, that maintains the current in a circuit at a constant value by varying its resistance in order to counteract changes in voltage.
    a device that maintains the current through a fluorescent or mercury lamp at the desired constant value, sometimes also providing the necessary starting voltage and current.

    Verb (used with object)

    to furnish with ballast
    to ballast a ship.
    to give steadiness to; keep steady
    parental responsibilities that ballast a person.


    in ballast
    Nautical . carrying only ballast; carrying no cargo.

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