Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
Verb (used without object)
Nautical .
- the set of a ship in the water, esp. the most advantageous one.
- the condition of a ship with reference to its fitness for sailing.
- the adjustment of sails, rigging, etc., with reference to wind direction and the course of the ship.
- the condition of a submarine as regards buoyancy.
Aeronautics . the attitude of an airplane with respect to all three axes, at which balance occurs in forward flight under no controls.
- apple-pie order * , clean , clean-cut , compact , dapper , fit , in good shape , neat as a pin , nice , shipshape * , slick , smart , snug , spick-and-span * , spruce , streamlined , symmetrical , tidy , to rights , uncluttered , well-groomed , beautiful , comely , graceful , in fine fettle , sleek , slender , slim , statuesque , svelte , well-balanced , well-proportioned , willowy , orderly , shipshape , spick-and-span , taut , trig
- adornment , border , edging , embellishment , frill , fringe , garnish , gingerbread , ornamentation , piping , trimming , commission , fettle * , fitness , form , kilter , order , repair , shape , situation , state , whack * , condition , fettle , decoration , garnishment , garniture , ornament
- abbreviate , barber , blue pencil , bob , boil down * , clip , crop , curtail , cut , cut back , cut down , dock , edit , even up , lop , mow , pare , pare down , plane , prune , put in a nutshell , shave , shear , shorten , slice off , snip , tidy , truncate , whittle down , adorn , array , beautify , bedeck , beribbon , deck , dress , dress up , embellish , emblazon , embroider , garnish , ornament , prank , pretty up , prink , spangle , spruce up * , clobber , drub , lambaste , lick , smother , thrash , trounce , wax * , whip , clean , freshen , groom , neaten , slick up , spruce , trig , chop , lower , slash , decorate , flog , hide , lash , beat , best , conquer , master , overcome , prevail against , rout , subdue , subjugate , surmount , triumph over , vanquish , worst , bilk , cozen , defraud , gull , mulct , rook , swindle , victimize
phrasal verb
tác giả
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