• Blotting

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a spot or stain, esp. of ink on paper.
    a blemish on a person's character or reputation
    He had been haunted by a blot on his past.
    Archaic . an erasure or obliteration, as in a writing.

    Verb (used with object)

    to spot, stain, soil, or the like.
    to darken; make dim; obscure or eclipse (usually fol. by out )
    We watched as the moon blotted out the sun.
    to dry with absorbent paper or the like
    to blot the wet pane.
    to remove with absorbent paper or the like.

    Verb (used without object)

    to make a blot; spread ink, dye, etc., in a stain
    The more slowly I write, the more this pen blots.
    to become blotted or stained
    This paper blots too easily.
    Chemistry . to transfer an array of separated components of a mixture to a chemically treated paper for analysis. Compare gel , gel electrophoresis . ?

    Verb phrase

    blot out,
    to make indistinguishable; obliterate
    to blot out a name from the record.
    to wipe out completely; destroy
    Whole cities were blotted out by bombs.

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