Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.
by name
- personally; individually
- She was always careful to address every employee by name.
- not personally; by repute
- I know him by name only.
call names
- to scold or speak abusively of or to a person
- Better not to call names unless one is larger and considerably stronger than one's adversary.
in the name of
- with appeal to
- In the name of mercy, stop that screaming!
- by the authority of
- Open, in the name of the law!
- on behalf of
- to purchase something in the name of another.
- under the name or possession of
- money deposited in the name of a son.
- under the designation or excuse of
- murder in the name of justice.
name names, to specify people by name
- esp. those who have been accomplices in a misdeed
- The witness in the bribery investigation threatened to name names.
- agname , agnomen , alias , appellation , autograph , autonym , brand , cognomen , compellation , denomination , designation , epithet , eponym , flag * , handle * , head , heading , label , matronymic , moniker , monogram , nickname , nom de guerre , nom de plume , nomen , patronymic , pen name , pet name , place name , prenomen , proper name , pseudonym , rubric , sign , signature , sobriquet , stage name , style , surname , tag , term , trade name , character , credit , eminence , esteem , honor , note , praise , renown , rep , report , reputation , repute , big name * , celeb , entertainer , headliner , hero , lion * , luminary , notability , notable , personality , somebody * , star , superstar , appellative , title , lion , personage , allonym , anonym , byname , caconym , cognomination , compellative , cryptonym , diminutive , dionym , euphemism , fame , metronymic , misnomer , nom de plume_ , nomenclature , nomination , patronym , penname , polyonym , prnomen , system , trionym , _nom de guerre
- baptize , call , characterize , christen , classify , cognominate , define , denominate , designate , dub , entitle , give a handle , identify , label , nickname , nomenclature , put tag on , style , tag , term , ticket , title , announce , appoint , cite , commission , connote , declare , delegate , denote , elect , index , instance , list , make , mark , mention , nominate , peg * , pin down , point to , put down for , put finger on , recognize , refer to , remark , select , signify , single out , slot , specify , suggest , tab , tap , agnomen , alias , appellation , brand , byline , celebrity , choose , cognomen , denomination , deputize , designation , distinction , epithet , family , handle , headliner , identity , moniker , namely , personage , pseudonym , race , reputation , signature , sobriquet , stipulate
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