• Boil down

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to change from a liquid to a gaseous state, producing bubbles of gas that rise to the surface of the liquid, agitating it as they rise.
    to reach or be brought to the boiling point
    When the water boils, add the meat and cabbage.
    to be in an agitated or violent state
    The sea boiled in the storm.
    to be deeply stirred or upset.
    to contain, or be contained in, a liquid that boils
    The kettle is boiling. The vegetables are boiling.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause to boil or to bring to the boiling point
    Boil two cups of water.
    to cook (something) in boiling water
    to boil eggs.
    to separate (sugar, salt, etc.) from a solution containing it by boiling off the liquid.


    the act or an instance of boiling.
    the state or condition of boiling
    He brought a kettle of water to a boil.
    an area of agitated, swirling, bubbling water, as part of a rapids.
    Also called blow. Civil Engineering . an unwanted flow of water and solid matter into an excavation, due to excessive outside water pressure. ?

    Verb phrases

    boil down,
    to reduce the quantity of by boiling off liquid.
    to shorten; abridge.
    to be simplifiable or summarizable as; lead to the conclusion that; point
    It all boils down to a clear case of murder.
    boil over,
    to overflow while boiling or as if while boiling; burst forth; erupt.
    to be unable to repress anger, excitement, etc.
    Any mention of the incident makes her boil over.


    boil off
    Textiles .
    to degum (silk).
    to remove (sizing, wax, impurities, or the like) from a fabric by subjecting it to a hot scouring solution. Also, boil out.



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