Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
free from obligation, liability, or debt
- After twenty years, our house is clear of the mortgage. Municipal bonds were returning as much as 9 percent, clear of taxes.
Verb (used with object)
to relieve (the throat) of some obstruction, as phlegm, by forcing air through the larynx, usually producing a rasping sound.
to free from debt
- Just a few dollars more would clear him. The widow had to borrow money to clear her husband's estate.
to free (a ship, cargo, etc.) from legal detention at a port by satisfying customs and other requirements.
Verb (used without object)
to remove previously inserted instructions or data from a computer, calculator, typewriter, or the like.
Verb phrases
clear away or off,
- to remove in order to make room.
- to leave; escape
- We were warned to clear off before the floods came.
- to disappear; vanish
- When the smoke cleared away, we saw that the house was in ruins.
- clarion , crystal , fair , fine , halcyon , light , luminous , pleasant , rainless , shining , shiny , sunny , sunshiny , unclouded , undarkened , undimmed , apprehensible , audible , clear-cut , coherent , comprehensible , conspicuous , definite , distinct , evident , explicit , express , graspable , incontrovertible , intelligible , knowable , legible , loud enough , lucent , lucid , manifest , obvious , open and shut , palpable , patent , perceptible , perspicuous , plain , precise , pronounced , readable , recognizable , sharp , simple , spelled out , straightforward , transparent , transpicuous , unambiguous , unblurred , uncomplicated , unequivocal , unmistakable , unquestionable , bare , empty , free , smooth , stark , unhampered , unimpeded , unlimited , unobstructed , vacant , vacuous , void , apparent , cloudless , crystal clear , crystalline , glassy , limpid , pellucid , pure , see-through , thin , tralucent , translucent , translucid , absolved , blameless , clean , cleared , discharged , dismissed , exculpated , exonerated , guiltless , immaculate , innocent , sinless , stainless , unblemished , uncensurable , undefiled , untarnished , untroubled , absolute , confirmed , convinced , decided , positive , resolved , satisfied , sure , flawless , unmarked , open , unblocked , noticeable , observable , visible , broad , categorical , specific
- ameliorate , break up , brighten , burn off , clarify , cleanse , disencumber , disengage , disentangle , eliminate , empty , erase , extricate , free , lighten , loosen , lose , meliorate , open , purify , refine , rid , rule out , shake off , sweep , throw off , tidy , unblock , unburden , unclog , unload , unloose , unpack , untie , vacate , void , wipe , absolve , acquit , defog , discharge , disculpate , emancipate , exculpate , exonerate , explain , find innocent , let go , let off , let off the hook , release , relieve , set free , vindicate , hurdle , leap , miss , negotiate , overleap , surmount , vault , accumulate , acquire , clean up * , earn , gain , gather , get , glean , make , net , obtain , pick up , realize , reap , receive , secure , win
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