• Noun

    a hat, usually tying under the chin and often framing the face, formerly much worn by women but now worn mostly by children.
    Informal . any hat worn by women.
    Chiefly Scot. a man's or boy's cap.
    a bonnetlike headdress
    an Indian war bonnet.
    any of various hoods, covers, or protective devices.
    a cowl, hood, or wind cap for a fireplace or chimney, to stabilize the draft.
    the part of a valve casing through which the stem passes and that forms a guide and seal for the stem.
    a chamber at the top of a hot-air furnace from which the leaders emerge.
    Chiefly British . an automobile hood.
    Nautical . a supplementary piece of canvas laced to the foot of a fore-and-aft sail, esp. a jib, in light winds.

    Verb (used with object)

    to put a bonnet on.


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