Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Also called cosmic string. Physics . a mathematical entity used to represent elementary particles, as gravitons, quarks, or leptons, in terms of a small but finite stringlike object existing in the four dimensions of spacetime and in additional, hypothetical, spacelike dimensions. The theory of such objects (string theory) avoids the many mathematical difficulties that arise from treating particles as points.
a necklace consisting of a number of beads, pearls, or the like threaded or strung on a cord; strand
Journalism . a compilation of clippings of a stringer's published writings, submitted in request of payment according to an agreed space rate.
(in a musical instrument) a tightly stretched cord or wire that produces a tone when caused to vibrate, as by plucking, striking, or friction of a bow.
- stringed instruments, esp. those played with a bow.
- players on such instruments in an orchestra or band.
Architecture .
- a stringcourse.
- Also called stringer. one of the sloping sides of a stair, supporting the treads and risers.
Computers, Linguistics . a linear sequence of symbols, words, characters, or bits that is treated as a unit.
Billiards, Pool .
- a stroke made by each player from the head of the table to the opposite cushion and back, to determine, by means of the resultant positions of the cue balls, who shall open the game.
- Also called string line. a line from behind which the cue ball is placed after being out of play.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
- cord , rope , strand , twine , twist , chain , consecution , echelon , file , line , order , procession , queue , rank , row , sequel , sequence , tier , train , column , course , progression , round , run , succession , suite , condition , proviso , qualification , reservation , specification , stipulation , term , band , chord , concatenation , fillet , learn , leash , ribbon , series , thong , warp
phrasal verb
tác giả
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