• Hood

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a soft or flexible covering for the head and neck, either separate or attached to a cloak, coat, or the like.
    something resembling or suggesting such a covering, esp. in shape, as certain petals or sepals.
    the hinged, movable part of an automobile body covering the engine.
    British . the roof of a carriage.
    a metal cover or canopy for a stove, ventilator, etc.
    Falconry . a cover for the entire head of a hawk, used when the bird is not in pursuit of game.
    an ornamental ruffle or fold on the back of the shoulders of an academic gown, jurist's robe, etc.
    a crest or band of color on the head of certain birds and animals.

    Verb (used with object)

    to furnish with a hood.
    to cover with or as if with a hood.

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