• Bull

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    the male of a bovine animal, esp. of the genus Bos, with sexual organs intact and capable of reproduction.
    the male of certain other animals, as the elephant and moose.
    a large, solidly built person.
    a person who believes that market prices, esp. of stocks, will increase ( opposed to bear ).
    ( initial capital letter ) Astronomy, Astrology . the constellation or sign of Taurus.
    a bulldog.
    Slang . a police officer.


    of, pertaining to, or resembling a bull, as in strength.
    having to do with or marked by a continuous trend of rising prices, as of stocks
    a bull market.

    Verb (used with object)

    Stock Exchange . to attempt to raise the price of.
    to speculate in, in expectation of a rise in price.
    to force; shove
    to bull one's way through a crowd.
    Nautical . to ram (a buoy). ?


    bull in a china shop
    an awkward or clumsy person.
    an inconsiderate or tactless person.
    a troublemaker; dangerous person.
    take the bull by the horns
    to attack a difficult or risky problem fearlessly.


    fact , truth

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