Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- debris , dregs , droppings , dross , excess , filth , fragments , junk , leavings , litter , oddments , odds and ends * , offal , pieces , refuse , residue , rubbish , rubble , rummage , scourings , scrap , scraps , scum * , sediment , shavings , sweepings , [[wastenotes:debris is the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up; garbage is food that is discarded or useless rubbish or a receptacle where rubbish is discarded; trash is worthless material that is to be disposed or a worthless or contemptible person]] , balderdash , bilge * , drivel , foolish talk , hogwash , inanity , malarkey * , nonsense , rot , tripe , [[twaddlenotes:debris is the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up; garbage is food that is discarded or useless rubbish or a receptacle where rubbish is discarded; trash is worthless material that is to be disposed or a worthless or contemptible person]] , blather , bunkum , claptrap , garbage , idiocy , piffle , poppycock , rigmarole , tomfoolery , twaddle , dreg , lumpenproletariat , rabble , ragtag and bobtail , riffraff , bilge , crap , dejecta , detritus , dirt , ejecta , malarkey , muck , scum , tramp , trumpery , waste
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