• Bundle up

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    several objects or a quantity of material gathered or bound together
    a bundle of hay.
    an item, group, or quantity wrapped for carrying; package.
    a number of things considered together
    a bundle of ideas.
    Slang . a great deal of money
    He made a bundle in the market.
    Botany . an aggregation of strands of specialized conductive and mechanical tissues.
    Also called bundle of isoglosses. Dialect Geography . a group of close isoglosses running in approximately the same direction, esp. when taken as evidence of an important dialect division.
    Anatomy, Zoology . an aggregation of fibers, as of nerves or muscles.

    Verb (used with object)

    to tie together or wrap in a bundle
    Bundle the newspapers for the trash man.
    to send away hurriedly or unceremoniously (usually fol. by off, out, etc.)
    They bundled her off to the country.
    to offer or supply (related products or services) in a single transaction at one all-inclusive price.

    Verb (used without object)

    to leave hurriedly or unceremoniously (usually fol. by off, out, etc.)
    They indignantly bundled out of the meeting.
    (esp. of sweethearts during courtship in early New England) to lie in the same bed while fully clothed, as for privacy and warmth in a house where an entire family shared one room with a fireplace. ?

    Verb phrase

    bundle up, to dress warmly or snugly
    A blizzard was raging but the children were all bundled up.


    drop one's bundle
    Australian and New Zealand Slang . to lose confidence or hope.



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