• Noun

    the curd of milk separated from the whey and prepared in many ways as a food.
    a definite mass of this substance, often in the shape of a wheel or cylinder.
    something of similar shape or consistency, as a mass of pomace in cider-making.
    Informal . partly digested milk curds sometimes spit up by infants.
    cheeses, any of several mallows, esp. Malva neglecta, a sprawling,weedy plant having small lavender or white flowers and round, flat, segmented fruits thought to resemble little wheels of cheese.
    Vulgar smegma.
    Metalworking .
    a transverse section cut from an ingot, as for making into a tire.
    an ingot or billet made into a convex, circular form by blows at the ends.
    a low curtsy.

    Verb (used without object)

    Informal . (of infants) to spit up partly digested milk curds.

    Verb (used with object)

    Metalworking . to forge (an ingot or billet) into a cheese.

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