• Brick

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    a block of clay hardened by drying in the sun or burning in a kiln, and used for building, paving, etc.
    traditionally, in the U.S., a rectangle 2 1 4 3 3 4 8 in. (5.7 9.5 20.3 cm), red, brown, or yellow in color.
    such blocks collectively.
    the material of which such blocks are made.
    any block or bar having a similar size and shape
    a gold brick; an ice-cream brick.
    the length of a brick as a measure of thickness, as of a wall
    one and a half bricks thick.
    Informal . an admirably good or generous person.

    Verb (used with object)

    to pave, line, wall, fill, or build with brick.


    made of, constructed with, or resembling bricks. ?


    drop a brick, to make a social gaffe or blunder
    esp. an indiscreet remark.
    hit the bricks
    to walk the streets, esp. as an unemployed or homeless person.
    to go on strike
    With contract talks stalled, workers are threatening to hit the bricks. Also, take to the bricks.
    make bricks without straw
    to plan or act on a false premise or unrealistic basis.
    to create something that will not last
    To form governments without the consent of the people is to make bricks without straw.
    to perform a task despite the lack of necessary materials.

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