Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Law . ( used with a singular or plural verb ) the advocate or advocates engaged in the direction of a cause in court; a legal adviser or counselor
- admonition , advice , advisement , caution , consideration , consultation , deliberation , direction , forethought , information , instruction , kibitz , recommendation , steer , suggestion , tip , tip-off , two cents’ worth , warning , word to the wisenotes:counsel is \'advice , guidance\' and a counsel is a lawyer; a council is a deliberative body of people assembled for some purpose and members are councillors (especially in britain) , adviser , advocate , attorney , barrister , bomber * , counselor , legal adviser , legal beagle , legal eagle , lip * , mouthpiece * , patch * , shyster * , solicitornotes:counsel is \'advice , conference , parley , consultant , mentor
- admonish , advise , advocate , caution , charge , confab , direct , enjoin , exhort , give pointer , give two cents , guide , huddle * , inform , instruct , keep posted , kibitz , order , prescribe , prompt , put bug in ear , put heads together , put on to , recommend , reprehend , show the ropes , steer , suggest , teach , tip , tip off , tout , urge , warn , wise one upnotes:counsel is \'advice , guidance\' and a counsel is a lawyer; a council is a deliberative body of people assembled for some purpose and members are councillors (especially in britain) , advice , attorney , barrister , confer , consultation , counsellor , counselor , deliberation , guidance , instruction , lawyer , rede , rule
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