Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
Verb (used with object)
to serve as a director in the production or performance of (a musical work, play, motion picture, etc.).
Mathematics .
- (of a proportion) containing terms of which an increase (or decrease) in one results in an increase (or decrease) in another
- a term is said to be in direct proportion to another term if one increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases).
- (of a function) the function itself, in contrast to its inverse. Compare inverse ( def. 2 ) .
Government . of or by action of voters, which takes effect without any intervening agency such as representatives.
- devious , dishonest , indirect , wily , changing , deviating , intermittent , interrupted , varying
- absolute , bald , blunt , candid , categorical , downright , explicit , express , forthright , frank , matter-of-fact , open , outspoken , person-to-person , plain , plainspoken , point-blank , sincere , straight , straightforward , straight from the shoulder , talk turkey * , unambiguous , unconcealed , undisguised , unequivocal , unreserved , beeline * , continuous , even , horizontal , in bee line , in straight line , linear , nonstop , not crooked , right , shortest , straight ahead , straightaway , through , true , unbroken , unswerving , contiguous , firsthand , head-on , immediate , lineal , next , personal , primary , prompt , proximate , resultant , succeeding , honest , ingenuous , man-to-man , straight-out
- administer , advise , be in the driver’s seat , boss , call the shots * , carry on , conduct , control , control the affairs of , dispose , dominate , govern , guide , handle , have the say , head up , influence , keep , lead , operate , ordain , preside over , quarterback , regulate , rule , run , run the show , run things , shepherd , superintend , supervise , take the reins , address , bid , charge , command , deliver , dictate , enjoin , give directions , give orders , inform , instruct , lecture , order , read , tell , warn , aim , beam , cast , escort , fix , focus , head , incline , indicate , intend , lay , level , mean , move in , pilot , point , point the way , present , route , see , set , show , sight , sight on , slant , steer , target , train , turn , zero in , designate , inscribe , label , mail , mark , superscribe , apply , bend , buckle down , devote , endeavor , give , settle , strive , throw , try , administrate , manage , concentrate , dedicate , usher
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