• Crow

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.


    any of several large oscine birds of the genus Corvus, of the family Corvidae, having a long, stout bill, lustrous black plumage, and a wedge-shaped tail, as the common C. brachyrhynchos, of North America.
    any of several other birds of the family Corvidae.
    any of various similar birds of other families.
    ( initial capital letter ) Astronomy . the constellation Corvus.
    crowbar ( def. 1 ) . ?


    as the crow flies
    in a straight line; by the most direct route
    The next town is thirty miles from here, as the crow flies.
    eat crow, Informal . to be forced to admit to having made a mistake
    as by retracting an emphatic statement; suffer humiliation
    His prediction was completely wrong, and he had to eat crow.
    have a crow to pick or pluck with someone
    Midland and Southern U.S. to have a reason to disagree or argue with someone.

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