Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- correct , right , decent , good , honest , moral , acceptable , appropriate , ok , suitable
- amiss , askew , astray , at fault , awry , bad , counterfactual , defective , erratic , erring , erroneous , fallacious , false , faulty , fluffed , goofed , inaccurate , in error , inexact , miscalculated , misconstrued , misfigured , misguided , mishandled , mistaken , not precise , not right , not working , off-target , on the wrong track , out , out of commission * , out of line , out of order * , perverse , rotten * , sophistical , specious , spurious , ungrounded , unsatisfactory , unsound , unsubstantial , untrue , wide , amoral , base , blamable , blameworthy , blasphemous , censurable , corrupt , criminal , crooked , debauched , depraved , dishonorable , dissipated , dissolute , evil , felonious , illegal , illicit , indecent , iniquitous , naughty , profane , profligate , reprehensible , reprobate , risqu , sacrilegious , salacious , shady , sinful , smutty , unethical , unfair , ungodly , unholy , unjust , unlawful , unrighteous , vicious , wanton , wicked , wrongful , awkward , disproportionate , funny , gauche , ill-advised , improper , inapt , incongruous , incorrect , indecorous , infelicitous , malapropos , misplaced , not done , off-balance , unacceptable , unbecoming , unconventional , undesirable , unfit , unfitted , unfitting , unhappy , unseemly , unsuitable , back , inside , inverse , obverse , off , truthless , untruthful , black , immoral , peccant , sour , brainsick , crazy , daft , demented , disordered , distraught , dotty , lunatic , mad , maniac , maniacal , mentally ill , moonstruck , touched , unbalanced , contraband , errant , inappropriate , inequitable , reverse , sinister , straying , venal , villainous
- afield , amiss , askew , badly , erroneously , inaccurately , incorrectly , mistakenly , unfavorably , wrongly , astray , awry
- abuse , bad deed , bias , blunder , crime , cruelty , damage , delinquency , discourtesy , error , evil , faux pas , favor , foul play , grievance , harm , hurt , immorality , imposition , indecency , inequity , inhumanity , iniquity , injury , injustice , insult , libel , malevolence , miscarriage , misdeed , misdemeanor , misdoing , mistake , oppression , persecution , prejudice , sinfulness , slander , slight , spite , tort , transgression , trespass , turpitude , unfairness , vice , villainy , violation , wickedness , wrongdoing , deviltry , diablerie , evildoing , offense , peccancy , sin , unjustness , disservice , raw deal , delict , dereliction , detriment , erroneously , falsity , guilt , improbity , malefaction , malfeasance , malpractice , malversation , mischief , misdemeanor.--adv. amiss , misfeasance , obliquity , venality
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