• Diving

    Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.

    Verb (used without object)

    to plunge into water, esp. headfirst.
    to go below the surface of the water, as a submarine.
    to plunge, fall, or descend through the air, into the earth, etc.
    The acrobats dived into nets.
    Aeronautics . (of an airplane) to descend rapidly.
    to penetrate suddenly into something, as with the hand
    to dive into one's purse.
    to dart
    to dive into a doorway.
    to enter deeply or plunge into a subject, activity, etc.

    Verb (used with object)

    to cause to plunge, submerge, or descend.
    to insert quickly; plunge
    He dived his hand into his pocket.


    an act or instance of diving.
    a jump or plunge into water, esp. in a prescribed way from a diving board.
    the vertical or nearly vertical descent of an airplane at a speed surpassing the possible speed of the same plane in level flight.
    a submerging, as of a submarine or skindiver.
    a dash, plunge, or lunge, as if throwing oneself at or into something
    He made a dive for the football.
    a sudden or sharp decline, as in stock prices.
    Informal . a dingy or disreputable bar or nightclub.
    Boxing . a false show of being knocked out, usually in a bout whose result has been prearranged
    to take a dive in an early round.

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