Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
free from angularity; consisting of full, curved lines or shapes, as handwriting or parts of the body.
Sometimes, rounds. a completed course of time, series of events or operations, etc., ending at a point corresponding to that at the beginning
a completed course or spell of activity, commonly one of a series, in some play or sport
- the second round of a tournament.
a single serving, esp. of drink, made more or less simultaneously to everyone present, as at table or at a bar
Cookery .
- Also, round of beef. the portion of the thigh of beef below the rump and above the leg.
- Informal . round steak.
Archery . a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance from the target in accordance with the rules.
Verb (used with object)
Verb phrases
round off,
- to complete or perfect; finish.
- to express as a round number, usually to the nearest multiple of 10.
in the round
- (of a theater) having a stage completely surrounded by seats for the audience.
- in the style of theater-in-the-round
- The play should be done in the round.
- in complete detail; from all aspects
- a character as seen in the round.
- (of sculpture) not attached to a supporting background; freestanding.
- incomplete , lacking , unfinished , inadequate , small , tiny , low , soft , weak , deceitful , dishonest , indirect
- annular , arced , arched , arciform , bent , bowed , bulbous , circular , coiled , curled , curved , curvilinear , cylindrical , discoid , disk-shaped , domical , egg-shaped , elliptical , globose , globular , looped , orbed , orbicular , orbiculate , oval , ringed , rotund , rounded , spherical , spheroid , spiral , accomplished , done , entire , finished , full , solid , unbroken , undivided , whole , chubby , expansive , fleshy , generous , large , plump , plumpish , pudgy * , roly-poly * , tubby , consonant , mellifluous , orotund , plangent , resounding , ringing , sonorous , vibrant , blunt , candid , frank , free , outspoken , plain , straightforward , unmodified , vocal , globoid , spheric , pudgy , roly-poly , zaftig , mellow , complete , good , perfect
- about , all but , almost , around , as good as , close to , in the neighborhood of , just about , most , near , nearly , practically , roughly
- arc , arch , band , bend , bow , circle , circlet , curvation , curvature , curve , disc , disk , equator , eye , gyre , hoop , loop , orb , orbit , ring , ringlet , sphere , wheel , ambit , beat , bout , circuit , circulation , circumvolution , compass , course , division , gyration , lap , level , performance , period , revolution , rotation , round trip , routine , schedule , sequence , series , session , succession , tour , turn , whirl , bullet , cartridge , charge , discharge , load , shell , shot , crook , cycle , chain , consecution , order , procession , progression , run , string , suite , train , track , route
- begird , bypass , circle , circulate , circumnavigate , compass , encompass , flank , gird , girdle , go around , gyrate , hem , pivot , revolve , ring , roll , rotate , skirt , spin , surround , wheel , whirl , arch , bend , bow , coil , convolute , crook , curl , curve , form , loop , mold , perfect , polish , recurve , refine , shape , sleek , slick , smooth , whorl
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