• Noun, plural -ties.

    an ability, natural or acquired, for a particular kind of action
    a faculty for making friends easily.
    one of the powers of the mind, as memory, reason, or speech
    Though very sick, he is in full possession of all his faculties.
    an inherent capability of the body
    the faculties of sight and hearing.
    exceptional ability or aptitude
    a president with a faculty for management.
    Education .
    the entire teaching and administrative force of a university, college, or school.
    one of the departments of learning, as theology, medicine, or law, in a university.
    the teaching body, sometimes with the students, in any of these departments.
    the members of a learned profession
    the medical faculty.
    a power or privilege conferred by the state, a superior, etc.
    The police were given the faculty to search the building.
    Ecclesiastical . a dispensation, license, or authorization.

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