Bài từ dự án mở Từ điển Anh - Anh.
- abounding , abundant , adequate , awash , big , bounteous , brimful , burdened , bursting , chockablock , chock-full , competent , complete , crammed , crowded , entire , extravagant , glutted , gorged , imbued , impregnated , intact , jammed , jammed full , jam-packed , laden , lavish , loaded , overflowing , packed , packed like sardines , padded , plenteous , plentiful , plethoric , profuse , replete , running over , sated , satiated , satisfied , saturated , stocked , stuffed , sufficient , suffused , surfeited , teeming , voluminous , weighted , absolute , all-inclusive , ample , blow-by-blow , broad , choate , circumstantial , clocklike , comprehensive , copious , detailed , exhaustive , extensive , generous , integral , itemized , maximum , minute , particular , particularized , perfect , plenary , unabridged , unlimited , whole , clear , distinct , loud , resonant , rich , rounded , throaty , jaded , lousy with , satiate , up to here , brimming , good , exact , faithful , rigorous , strict , thorough , capacious , wide , bountiful , cloyed , engrossed with , filled , filled up , fraught , gutted , liberal , orotund , perform , plump , rotund , round , sonorous , torrential , total , uncut , unexpurgated
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