• Noun

    any tailless, stout-bodied amphibian of the order Anura, including the smooth, moist-skinned frog species that live in a damp or semiaquatic habitat and the warty, drier-skinned toad species that are mostly terrestrial as adults.
    Also called true frog , ranid. any frog of the widespread family Ranidae, most members of which are semiaquatic and have smooth, moist skin and relatively long hind legs used for leaping. Compare toad ( def. 2 ) .
    a slight hoarseness, usually caused by mucus on the vocal cords
    a frog in the throat.
    ( often initial capital letter ) Slang
    Disparaging and Offensive a French person or a person of French descent.
    a small holder made of heavy material, placed in a bowl or vase to hold flower stems in position.
    a recessed panel on one of the larger faces of a brick or the like.
    Music . nut ( def. 11b ) .

    Verb (used without object)

    to hunt and catch frogs.


    ( often initial capital letter ) Slang
    Disparaging and Offensive French or Frenchlike.

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